Disaster response solutions

We help clients manage immediate post-disaster operations, such as analyzing real-time data and conducting damage assessments, to ensure a swift and efficient response.
Natural disaster recovery and response

Coordinating behind-the-scenes disaster response activities

Disaster response has two key facets. There are the visible activities: search and rescue, sandbag patrol, first aid. And then there’s what happens in the background: staff capacity building, implementation structures, administration models. We guide the background activities that will help you maximize the federal recovery dollars headed your way.

Disaster relief

Getting ready to manage the money

Response is what happens after you prepare, and before you recover. During this chaotic time, you need a strong recovery plan to lay a foundation for how you’ll spend your recovery dollars. Our teams have the expertise in FEMA and HUD funding sources to help—they can show you how to conduct assessments and set your community up for a swift and efficient recovery.

Women looking over disaster recovery plan analytics on digital screens

Using data to inform response

Situational awareness during response is critical. Do you know what the flood waters are doing, or are about to do? Who is affected right now? Five minutes from now? We can analyze your data in real time during natural disasters—using tools such as social media mining and sentiment understanding—to help you discern what the public needs and make informed decisions based on data flow.

Our Disaster Response Services

  • Determining the administrative model
  • Building staff capacity
  • Connecting the need with the appropriate solution whether it’s:
    • Housing
    • Buyout
    • Infrastructure resilience
    • Economic revitalization
    • Workforce development
    • Public Services

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